UACG Gallery

Program director and instructor Dan
Hubacker teaching in the UACG hatchery classroom

Student weighing coho salmon broodstock
being held at the UACG hatchery in

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers staff from WarmSprings Fish hatchery net out coho
broodstock to transfer to the UACG
hatchery for emergency rearing in 2021

Students cleaning raceways in the

Students caring for endangered coho
salmon being housed at the UACG
hatchery in 2021.

Coho salmon broodstock being held at the UACG hatchery for emergency
purposes in 2021

UACG staff and students working to
collect juvenile steelhead trout in
Adobe Creek for hatchery rearing in 2024

Juvenile steelhead trout collected from
Adobe Creek for rearing in

Yearling steelhead trout from Adobe Creek being measured during fieldwork in 2024

UACG students conducting steelhead
trout spawner and redd surveys in the
Petaluma Watershed
Student placing recently collected Adobe
Creek steelhead trout into UACG
hatchery tanks in 2024